ISO 9001:2015 Certification




Wall Street English International is certified as ISO 9001: 2015 compliant. This certification was completed for the International office in Barcelona. The certification is valid for :


The Design, Development, Implementation and Quality Control of Teaching Methods for Training and Learning English, Providing Defined Operational Model, Tools and Support to Local Franchisees to Optimize Performance and Promote Growth.


ISO (International Standards Organization) is the source of the quality management standards. The ISO organization does NOT certify companies/businesses. An independent Certification body completes the audit, and certifies those companies that comply with the ISO standard(s). In the case of Wall Street English, the independent Certification body is Det Norske Veritas GL (DNV-GL).


We are among the select few English instruction providers around the world who have successfully gone through the stringent discovery and audit process associated with gaining this certification. It is independent reinforcement and verification of our commitment to achieve and maintain the highest levels of quality for our students, our business partners, and our associates.