Business English
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Business English Online Test
From beginners to advanced students, everyone has a certain knowledge of Business English, based on experiences from school, at work, or trips abroad.
We need a catchy name for our brand. Let's get a few people together and ______ a name.

- say
- create
- brainstorm
I have to pay by credit card because I forgot my _____.

- notebook
- checkbook
- netbook
Let's go to the bank. I have to _____ some money.

- withtake
- retire
- withdraw
When you go to an auction and you want to buy a particular item, you can simply make a _____ for it.

- bid
- go
- test
He's just spent all his _____ on a brand new car.

- saving
- save
- savings
Where are the _____ of the company located?

- head office
- headquarters
- head rooms
Let me _____ Mr. Smith.

- introduce you to
- present you
- show you
We are _____ the new summer collection.

- design
- working
- designing
Can you give me your number? Sure, here is my _____.

- card of business
- business card
- visiting card
We have a very important meeting this afternoon, have you finished the _____?

- talk
- lecture
- presentation
We bought the new _____ but maybe the old one was better.

- internet
- software
- programs
Susan is feeling really nervous right now. In a few minutes she will have her first job _____.

- interview
- talk
- speech
Can you go through all of these documents please? I really need a precise _____.

- analyzing
- analyze
- analysis
Manufacturers of cosmetics frequently offer free _____ for customers to try out their new products.

- commercials
- samples
- posters
If I don't finish this job by 8.00 pm, I'll get into serious _____.

- trouble
- mistake
- problem
I'm sorry Mr. Peters, there are no seats left on this flight. The company says they're _____.

- discredited
- misused
- overbooked
I need to do this quick! My boss is not very _____.

- patient
- impatient
- patience
Is the dinner tonight _____ or friendly?

- formal
- informal
- form
I work 10 hours a day! I'm really not happy with my _____.

- timetable
- hours
- agenda
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